Tracy Little - content writer at Mayu Water
a woman sitting on a stool smiling at the camera

Tracy Little


Fitness, Health, Synchronized Swimming, Content Writing


Concordia University, Fitness Training Specialist from Canadian Fitness Professionals Inc.


Tracy Little has spent over two decades immersed in professional sports. Leveraging her background in synchronized swimming, she now channels her knowledge into health and fitness writing. Beyond the pool, she's passionate about promoting a balanced lifestyle and sharing relatable fitness advice. With a genuine desire to inspire others, Tracy's articles resonate with those seeking a realistic approach to health and well-being.

About Mayu's Editorial Process

Mayu's dedicated team is passionate about all things related to water and more specifically, structured water. We are committed to delivering valuable insights, information, and in-depth knowledge on the topic of water and its various forms. Our mission is to inform and empower individuals with accurate and up-to-date information to help them make informed decisions related to water and structured water. We carefully curate our content from reliable sources within the industry, always providing proper attribution when citing external information. Each piece of content undergoes rigorous review and editing to ensure it meets our standards of excellence in the world of water. Explore our Editorial Policy to delve deeper into our principles and procedures for providing valuable information about water and structured water.

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