Community Guidelines - Mayu Water

Community Guidelines

Welcome and thank you for joining our Water-Revolution Community.

Mayu Water has created this forum to help you connect with like-minded water-wise and water-conscious individuals from all over the world.

This is a safe platform to ask and respond to questions, share your opinions, insights, and experiences, and hear and learn from others.

The aim of our Water-Revolution community is to discuss and explore a broad range of topics related to structured, aerated, and mineral-rich water; the current environmental and health challenges posed by our water sources; and resources and research on recent trends and developments related to water.

While we certainly want you to join in the conversation, please note that the forum discussions are monitored and moderated. The guidelines and rules explained below have been implemented to keep this a positive, beneficial, and enjoyable space for all members.

Guidelines for Forum Posting and Etiquette

  • Show general respect and courtesy toward all forum members, regardless of whether they differ from you in terms of demographics, culture, perspectives, etc.
  • Check our FAQs section before asking a question.
  • Check that your question hasn’t already been asked on the forum.
  • Stay on the topic of discussion, and do not derail the conversation.
  • Share your opinions and experiences, but don’t misrepresent them as facts.
  • Share any resources or information relevant to the point of discussion, but first, make sure it is correct, accurate, and credible.
  • Be as concise as possible.
  • Please don’t write in ALL CAPS.

Prohibited Posts and Conduct

The following content and behavior are not permitted in the forum:

  • Any posts or comments that are offensive, profane, indecent, or threatening.
  • Discriminatory or threatening comments or trying to provoke others.
  • Any personal attacks or forms of bullying and intimidation.
  • Knowingly submitting false or misleading information
  • Promoting or displaying any form of illegal activity.
  • Promotional or marketing content, including spam, advertisements, or links to third-party websites.
  • Posts containing personally identifiable information.
  • Using a false name or pretending to be someone else.
  • Posting materials containing any malicious code like viruses.
  • Posting the same question or comment in more than one thread.

Reporting Misconduct

This community forum is monitored by a team of moderators, who surveil posts and shared information on a wide scale.

However, should you encounter any comments, resources, or behavior that contravenes the above rules and guidelines, kindly report it to

We ask that you get in touch with us directly and don’t address the offender or offense in the community forum.

Consequences of Misconduct

Whether reported by a community member or moderator, all forms of misconduct are thoroughly investigated.

We reserve the right to issue the offender a warning or suspend or revoke member privileges. We may also delete offending posts, comments, or resources shared in any forum discussion.

For serious infringements, we may delete the violator’s account and will contact the authorities if illegal behavior has taken place.

Terms of Use

The information, resources, discussions, answers, suggestions, and advice shared in the community forum are not intended to take the place of primary and credible sources of information or the services of trained professionals.

We advise thoroughly checking the validity and credibility of content shared in the forum before using it for any purposes.

Furthermore, we strongly recommend that you seek advice and insights from the relevant trained professionals in environmental sciences or any other industry.

Mayu Water will not be held liable for any direct or indirect loss, harm, damage, or other consequence resulting from participating in the forum or using its contents.

Mayu Water is also under no obligation to respond to posts, provide any form of compensation to members, or maintain the confidentiality of the content posted on the forum.


By joining and participating in Mayu Water’s community, you acknowledge that you have read and understood these community guidelines.

Furthermore, you accept the above Terms of Use and the rules and guidelines outlined in this document.

You also acknowledge that Mayu Water will take action against any contravention of the abovementioned rules.

Contact Us

Should you have any feedback or questions about our community guidelines and/or our Terms of Use, please email us at