Do I need to remineralize structured water before I serve it to my kids? - Water-Revolution Community - Mayu Water

Do I need to remineralize structured water before I serve it to my kids?

Asked 2 years ago

I was told that structured water would keep my two kids hydrated for longer and that it will serve them well during their sports matches. However, I'm not so sure about this structured water stuff. Does it still have minerals, or would I need to add something more to it?

Cameron-Leigh Henning

Cameron-Leigh Henning

Monday, October 31, 2022

Structured water is simply a way to change the molecular structure to make the water more like that of natural spring water. However, its mineral content depends entirely on the water before it's structured. For example, structured tap water will still contain its essential minerals, while structured reverse osmosis water won't have any essential minerals.

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