Can You Use Tap Water for Baby Formula? - Mayu Water Answers

Can You Use Tap Water for Baby Formula?

Photo of Cameron-Leigh Henning
By Cameron-Leigh Henning
Head and shoulders photo of Michelle Meyer
Edited by Michelle Meyer

Published October 6, 2024.

a woman holding a baby bottle in front of a sink

As a baby, breast milk or formula is essential for healthy development. While milk has all the hydration and nutrition they need in their first few months, if you're making formula, using clean water is essential.

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When Is Tap Water Unsafe?

Tap water is generally safe to drink in many countries. However, what is safe for adults and what is safe for babies are two different matters. Tap water contains compounds like chlorine, and could contain bacteria, lead, and other potentially harmful chemicals depending on where you live. Water straight from the tap is not sterile enough for a fragile baby and their bodies may not be able to fight any potentially harmful bacteria or chemicals.

Does boiling the tap water help?

Boiling water is the best method to kill disease-causing viruses, bacteria, and parasites. Chlorine also evaporates from water when it's boiled. But while boiling water sterilizes it, the level of fluoride or essential minerals doesn't change. Exposure to fluoride as a baby helps prevent tooth decay, and the essential minerals in tap water support proper bodily functioning.

» Are the minerals in tap water healthy? Discover all you need to know about the minerals in tap water

The Best Water for Baby Formula

  • Boiled tap water: Boiled tap water is sterile and safe to use for formula, while still remaining nutritious.
  • Structured water: Structured water is similar to spring water because it has not been polluted or contaminated by humans. Provided the structured water you're using is sterile, it's safe to mix with formula and is believed to have more health benefits than normal water.
  • Bottled water: It's only recommended to use bottled water when you have no access to boiled water, but it's advisable to check the label to see if it's safe for babies. Not all bottled water is sterile.

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In Summary

Tap water is safe to mix with baby formula, provided it has been boiled and cooled to sterilize it. While fluoride is safe for babies in the trace amounts found in tap water, it's important to monitor the fluoride levels in your water to ensure it remains safe. There are a few choices for water sources for your baby's formula, but the best option is purified water.

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