Migraine Miracles: How Drinking Water Prevents & Treats Migraines

Migraine Miracles: How Drinking Water Prevents & Treats Migraines

Kayla Guenzel
By Kayla Guenzel
Davor Štefanović - Editor for Mayu Water
Edited by Davor Štefanović

Published October 6, 2024.

A woman in a red sweater standing next to the window looking over hills and holding a glass of water to relieve migrainePerson holding a glass of water in a tranquil nature setting

Migraines, a common health condition affecting approximately 12% of the global population, are characterized by throbbing headaches and associated symptoms such as nausea, and increased sensitivity to light and sound. One factor that can trigger migraines is dehydration, which causes an electrolyte imbalance affecting how the body functions.

Dehydration is not only a common cause of headaches but also a trigger for migraines and ocular migraines, episodes of vision loss in one eye accompanied by headaches. Staying hydrated may help prevent migraines, but can drinking too much water cause migraines as well? While that's possible, it's worth noting that an estimated 75% of the population is chronically dehydrated. So the focus should be on drinking enough rather than too much water.

Are migraines, ocular migraines, and dehydration genuinely related? How much water is needed to prevent or relieve a migraine? And what kind of water provides the best results? Let's explore these questions.

» Discover the healthiest types of drinking water

How Does Drinking Water Help Prevent Migraines?

By the time your body signals thirst, you are already dehydrated. To prevent dehydration and migraines, it's crucial to drink enough fluids throughout the day, even if you're not thirsty. This is especially important when replacing lost fluids, such as after exercise, exposure to hot weather, air travel, or during illness.

Staying hydrated with a quality water source is vital to avoid migraines in various situations. If you feel dizzy or fatigued during these activities, take a break and rehydrate. Spending time outdoors on hot days also warrants increased water intake and seeking cool, shady spots to prevent migraines.

The Mayo Clinic recommends that women drink 11.5 cups daily and men 15.5 cups, which is about a cup every waking hour. Keeping a pitcher on the counter or a glass of water on your nightstand can serve as a visual reminder to drink more water.

How Does Drinking Water Relieve Migraines?

Dehydration causes the brain to contract due to water loss, pulling away from the skull and triggering a migraine. Drinking water replenishes electrolyte balance, allowing the brain to return to its previous size and relieving pain. To manage migraines effectively, focus on prevention by drinking enough water throughout the day.

During a migraine episode, take small sips of water or suck on ice cubes if your stomach is upset. Note that the type of water you drink is just as important; chlorine in tap water can trigger headaches or migraines in some cases.

» Learn everything you need to know about structured water

Benefits of Structured Water for Migraine Relief

Structured water is pure, free of chemicals, and promotes deeper cellular hydration, helping with various health issues, including constipation, acne, arthritis, and migraines. Unlike tap or bottled water, structured water naturally removes contaminants and is more readily absorbed by the body, potentially providing faster pain relief.

If you struggle with migraines or dehydration-related issues, consider using the Mayu Swirl to create your own structured water. The Mayu Swirl is not only a beautiful visual reminder to drink more water but also an effective way to prevent and relieve migraines, especially when used with Mayu's Electrolyte Drops to restore electrolyte balance in filtered water and improve headache and migraine pain.

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