How is structured water different from hydrogen water? - Water-Revolution Community - Mayu Water

How is structured water different from hydrogen water?

Asked 2 years ago

Hi. What is the difference between structured water and hydrogen water?


Mayu Water Team

Mayu Water Team

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

While hydrogen water involves the addition of hydrogen gas to regular drinking water, structured water boasts an altered molecular structure and carries an electromagnetic charge, providing potential health benefits beyond hydration. Let's delve deeper into the topic to help you better understand the differences between the two.

» Read about structured vs. hydrogen water and which is better for hydration

What Is Hydrogen Water?

Hydrogen water is just like regular drinking water but with hydrogen gas. Hydrogen gas is typically added through a process called electrolysis or by bubbling pure hydrogen gas into the water. Its chemical formula is H20, and its molecular structure remains the same, with an addition of dissolved hydrogen gas.

Hydrogen Water Benefits

It is believed that hydrogen-rich water has a variety of potential health benefits, such as:

  • reducing inflammation,
  • supporting cardiovascular function,
  • increasing energy levels,
  • improving cognitive ability,
  • and more.

Hydrogen Water Chemical Formula

H2O = two hydrogen H2 + one oxygen atoms O

How to Make Hydrogen Water

Besides the two mentioned ways to make hydrogen-rich water, there are a few more options, such as using hydrogen generators, electric water ionizers, magnesium sticks, non-electric filters/ionizers, and hydrogen powder/tablets.

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What is Structured Water?

On the other hand, structured water has an altered molecular structure, and its molecules form a hexagonal cluster. These hexagonal clusters enable structured water to carry an electromagnetic charge and deliver it to the mitochondria in our cells, ensuring vitamins and minerals are more effectively absorbed. Structured water has a chemical formula of H3O2, and it has a more viscous texture.

Structured Water Benefits

It is believed that structured water has various health benefits:

  • ensures optimal cellular hydration,
  • supports a healthy immune system,
  • helps detoxify the body,
  • improves digestion,
  • increases energy,
  • improves sleep quality,
  • and more.

Structured Water Chemical Formula

H3O2 = three hydrogen H3 + two oxygen atoms O2

How to Make Structured Water

While there are various methods for making structured water, one of the easiest and most effective ways is to use a water structuring device such as Swirl. With Swirl, you can transform any water into structured water quickly and effortlessly and ensure you and your family drink the healthiest water for optimal hydration on a cellular level.


Moises Riley

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Hydrogen water simply means normal water (H2O) that contains dissolved hydrogen gas (H2). It is believed that adding hydrogen to the water increases its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Structured water has a chemical formula of H3O2 which means it has three hydrogen atoms combined with two oxygen atoms.


Cameron-Leigh Henning

Cameron-Leigh Henning

Monday, October 31, 2022

Hydrogen water is normal water with hydrogen gas added to it. The chemical formula for hydrogen water is still H2O. On the other hand, structured water has a completely different water molecule structure. The chemical formula for structured water is H3O2, and the water molecules form a hexagonal cluster. Here's more about structured vs. hydrogen water.


Adison Knight

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Hydrogen water has more hydrogen gas than tap water. Water's molecular structure and pH remain unchanged. Hydrogen water's benefits may not last. After opening the pouch or can, drink hydrogen water immediately to maximize its health benefits. Hydrogen, like carbon dioxide, escapes from water as a gas.

Structured water is brought back to its natural spring water frequency, where all the water molecules vibrate in a hexagonal grid, by changing its vibrational frequency. The water in our bodies can be energized at the level of the cells by hexagonal water. We use less energy when we use structured water. Energized water can help your cells stay hydrated and give you more energy. Structured water is like an antioxidant that doesn't need antioxidants. Structured water changes how cells work.


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