Hydrate to Heal: How Drinking Water Can Prevent and Clear Acne

Hydrate to Heal: How Drinking Water Can Prevent and Clear Acne

Kayla Guenzel
By Kayla Guenzel
Davor Štefanović - Editor for Mayu Water
Edited by Davor Štefanović

Published October 6, 2024.

A woman with clear, healthy skin holding a glass of water

We all know the importance of drinking enough water, but many of us still fall short. A study across three European countries found that 40% of men and 24% of women had a total water intake below the European Food and Safety Authority standards. Another study claims that 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated.

Water plays several vital roles in our body, including temperature regulation, digestive system function, toxin removal, and carrying nutrients to cells. Adequate hydration also affects your skin's ability to retain moisture, unclog pores, and clear acne. So how can water speed up the process of clearing acne-prone skin?

Let's explore how drinking water can help with acne and promote healthier skin.

How Does Drinking Water Help Acne?

Inflammation, toxins, lack of minerals, and infection are just a few of the many causes of a breakout. So how can drinking more water help with acne? What role does water play here?

Firstly, inflammation is an immune system response to infection in the body. Water aids the immune system in fighting off infections, thus preventing acne.

Secondly, water flushes toxins from the body, particularly the skin. By helping the body flush out toxins, water reduces the potential for pore-clogging and bacterial acne breakouts. Drinking enough water also moisturizes the skin, promoting healthy skin cell rejuvenation, which helps to heal and reduce inflammation caused by acne and pimples.

Furthermore, natural spring water is rich in essential minerals that contribute to our overall health. Since most people do not have access to spring water, an alternative is drinking structured water and adding a mineral blend. Mayu water naturally mimics spring water by balancing, re-oxygenating, and restructuring the water. Mayu also offers a natural mineral blend that mimics the mineral concentration of spring water. Minerals such as zinc, copper, and magnesium play crucial roles in skin health.

How Does Drinking Water Determine Your Skin Health?

As discussed earlier, water aids in nutrient absorption, toxin removal, immune response, and skin regeneration. However, the quality of water consumed is just as important as the quantity. Pure, clean water is the best option for our skin. However, most people consume bottled or tap water. Bottled water often contains softener units or chemicals to soften the water, while tap water contains chemicals like chlorine, added to purify it. Drinking chlorinated water can lead to dry, aging skin and, in some cases, irritation and acne.

Benefits of Structured Water for Skin Health

Structured water is healthier than tap or bottled water, as it boosts the immune system and improves skin health. Detoxifying your body, structured water is pure, similar to uncontaminated natural water found in glaciers, and free of chemicals. It moisturizes and detoxifies the skin, helps maintain its elasticity, and aids in acne management. Consider making your own structured water at home with Mayu Swirl to enjoy these benefits and promote healthier skin.

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