Will Aerating Wine Make It Taste Any Better? - Mayu Water Answers

Will Aerating Wine Make It Taste Any Better?

Kelli Harris - Writer for Mayu Water
By Kelli Harris
Nevena Radulović - Editor for Mayu Water
Edited by Nevena Radulović

Published October 6, 2024.

a bottle of wine and a glass of wine on a counter

Wine lovers will often tell you that aerating their favorite bottle can improve its flavor. But does it really make a significant difference? According to many vintners and wine connoisseurs, the answer is an emphatic yes: exposing your wine to air unlocks the full potential of its bouquet and flavor.

» How does aeration make wine better? See the reasons why it improves your wine's flavor

Benefits of Wine Aeration

Here are a few ways in which aeration benefits your wine:

  • Better taste: Exposing the wine to air can soften tannins and help develop more supple flavors. Cheaper wines with a high tannin content can even be made more expensive-tasting.
  • Evaporates volatile compounds: These unstable molecules in wine are the culprits behind hangover symptoms as well as a lower-quality flavor. As wine is exposed to air, molecules like sulfur dioxide and ethanol compounds evaporate, reducing hangover effects like headaches and nausea and improving the overall taste.
  • Better aroma: Wine aeration also helps bring out more subtle aromas in wine that may be muted or undetectable when first uncorked.

» Aerate your wine like a pro: see our tips on wine aeration for great taste and aroma

Aerate Your Wine for an Improved Taste

Mayu Swirl holding red wine with a bottle of wine behind it on a table

Although it offers many benefits for wine lovers, wine aeration can be a time-consuming process. Properly swirling your wine requires leaving the wine in a bottle or glass for a long period of time to let it "breathe" and reach its peak flavor. That said, the Mayu Swirl offers a convenient way to quickly achieve delicious and full-flavor wines, effortlessly enhancing your wine-tasting journey.

» Elevate your wine experience with the Mayu Swirl