What is arnica 1M used for in homeopathy? - Water-Revolution Community - Mayu Water

What is arnica 1M used for in homeopathy?

Asked 2 months ago

I’m looking into homeopathic remedies and came across Arnica 1M. I know it's usually used for bruising and muscle soreness, but I’m not sure what the ‘1M’ means. Is 1M a particularly strong dose? What kinds of conditions would a homeopath typically recommend it for?

Aaden Simmons

Wednesday, February 05, 2025

 've used Arnica 1M before and can share what I know. The '1M' is definitely a high potency in homeopathy—it's super diluted but considered really strong. My homeopath recommended it to me after I had a bad fall and was really bruised up.

From what I understand, Arnica 1M is typically used for more severe situations like surgery recovery or major injuries. It's not something you'd typically use for everyday bumps and bruises—that's more for the lower potencies like 30C.

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