Is There a Way to Aerate Wine Without a Decanter?

Updated February 17, 2025.

Aerating wine is a vital step in enjoying wine, as it helps enhance the flavor and evaporate sulfites and ethanol compounds. Unfortunately, many wine drinkers don't always have a wine decanter, which is traditionally used to aerate wine.
Aerating With Household Items
Luckily, there are easy ways to aerate wine with common household items. One method involves pouring the wine back and forth between two glasses a few times until it's been sufficiently aerated.
Aerating wine can also be done by pouring the wine into a number of objects readily found around the house. The key is to pour the wine slowly and let it stand for a long enough period of time. Some objects that could be useful include:
- Foral vases
- Lemonade pitchers
- Mixing bowls
- Mason jars
» Want to know more about aeration? See what aeration entails
Double Decanting
Another method to use when you don't have a wine decanter is double decanting, or simply put, pouring wine into another receptacle and then back into the bottle. Here's how:
- Open the wine and pour it into an appropriate receptacle.
- Rinse out the original bottle with water and then pour the wine back into the original bottle.
- Let the wine sit in the bottle for an hour to allow the sediment to settle at the bottom of the bottle.
» Learn whether you should aerate cheap wines
Aerate Wine at Home With Ease
While the methods mentioned above are useful alternatives to decanting wine, they can be time-consuming. Mayu Water's solutions To simplify decanting wine at home to naturally enhance its flavor, try an alternative such as the Mayu swirl and enjoy your aerated wine in a few quick steps.