Does Ayuverdic medicine delay periods? - Water-Revolution Community - Mayu Water

Does Ayuverdic medicine delay periods?

Asked 11 days ago

I've been experiencing some irregular periods lately, and a friend suggested I look into Ayurvedic medicine. I'm interested in exploring natural approaches to regulating my cycle, but I'm also a little concerned about accidentally delaying my period further. I'm wondering if certain Ayurvedic treatments, herbs, or dietary recommendations might affect my menstrual cycle?

Adelyn Hanna

Wednesday, February 05, 2025

Short answer: not really. 🤷‍♀️

Long answer: It's complicated (isn't everything with periods? 🙄).

Ayurveda doesn't have a "delay your period" button, but it can mess with your cycle in other ways:

  1. Some Ayurvedic herbs like Ashoka and Shatavari are supposed to be good for your lady bits. They might make your cycle more regular, but they're not gonna magically push back your period.
  2. Ayurveda's big on fixing the underlying issues, not just slapping a band-aid on symptoms. So your cycle might change as your overall health improves.
  3. Ayurvedic treatments are tailored to YOU. So what works for your bestie might make your cycle go cray.

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