What is Staphysagria 200 drops used for in homeopathic treatment? - Water-Revolution Community - Mayu Water

What is Staphysagria 200 drops used for in homeopathic treatment?

Asked 2 months ago

Yesterday, my homeopath suggested I take Staphysagria 200 drops, but I didn’t get the chance to ask exactly what it’s for. I don't want to use something without fully knowing its purpose.

I’ve heard Staphysagria is used for emotional issues, but the ‘200 drops’ part is throwing me off. Is that a normal dosage? I’d really appreciate any info on what is usually used for?

Addie Gill

Wednesday, February 05, 2025

Staphysagria 200 is used for a range of issues. Homeopaths usually recommend it for:

  • Pain relief, especially for lower back pain that’s worse in the morning
  • Urinary problems, like frequent or painful urination
  • Emotional stuff like irritability, exhaustion, and anxiety
  • Skin issues, such as itching, rashes, or eczema
  • Digestive problems, like indigestion or stomach pain
  • Post-surgery pain and helping with wound healing, especially to reduce itching

The "200" in Staphysagria 200 just means it's a high potency of the remedy. Usually, for adults, you’d take 3-5 pellets or 10 drops 3 times a day, but it’s best to ask your homeopath for the right dosage for you since it can vary based on your needs.

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