How portable is structured water and how do I store it? - Water-Revolution Community - Mayu Water

How portable is structured water and how do I store it?

Asked 2 years ago

Hello all. I enjoy camping and hiking, and I do so sometimes for a few days on end. I really would prefer to drink structured water during these times, but I'm unsure if I can do this without the water losing its structured qualities. Does anyone know how portable structured water is and how I would need to store it in these situations? Thanks!

Arnulfo Anderson

Sunday, May 22, 2022

You can transport your structured water in a copper container. Copper is also one of the ways you can make structured water. Pouring your water into a copper vessel will cause the water to become structured overnight and stay structured until you drink it. You can also take your water with you in a structured carafe like the Mayu Swirl Enhancing Water Carafe.

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