Why does tap water taste different in different homes? - Water-Revolution Community - Mayu Water

Why does tap water taste different in different homes?

Asked 3 years ago

Whenever I sleep over at my friends' houses, I can't help but notice how different their water tastes compared to my mom's. I don't understand why it would taste different because we live in the same area and our houses aren't too far apart. So why does tap water taste different in different homes?

Jayson Hendrix

Monday, June 06, 2022

Often the pipes or reservoirs that the water runs through affects the taste. The most common cause of water that smells or tastes different is the addition of chlorine or bacteria growing in the pipes or drain, which results in a musty, earth, fishy, or grassy odor (affecing the smell). Another cause for a different taste is the mineral content.

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