4 Best Water Types to Drink for Cellular Hydration

4 Best Water Types to Drink for Cellular Hydration

Photo of Cameron-Leigh Henning
By Cameron-Leigh Henning
Davor Štefanović - Editor for Mayu Water
Edited by Davor Štefanović

Published October 6, 2024.

Mountain water closeup

Proper cellular hydration is crucial for overall health and well-being. It plays a vital role in regulating body temperature, keeping the joints lubricated, supporting organ function, preventing infections, and delivering essential nutrients to cells throughout the body.

Adequate hydration also has a positive impact on mood, cognitive function, sleep quality, and energy levels. The body loses fluids through various processes, such as sweating, breathing, and waste elimination, making it essential to drink enough water to replenish these fluids and rehydrate the body.

4 Best Types of Water to Drink for Hydration

1. Structured Water

2. Mineral Water

3. Spring Water

4. Filtered Water

MAYU Swirl

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1. Structured Water

Structured water (H3O2) is created by altering the structure of its molecules to form a hexagonal cluster, making it similar to pure, uncontaminated natural water found in springs and glaciers. Structured water is the best water for hydration on a cellular level. Drinking structured water provides many health benefits, including:

  • Supporting a healthy immune system
  • Improving digestion
  • Boosting energy
  • Detoxifying the body
  • Increasing cellular hydration
  • Promoting better sleep

There are several ways to make structured water, and one easy method is by using vortexing technology with the Mayu Swirl. This device can turn regular water into structured water from the comfort of your own home. The swirling motion of the Mayu Swirl aerates the water, oxygenating it, rejuvenating it, and improving its taste, while also infusing it with additional health benefits.

2. Mineral Water

Mineral water is a rich source of minerals like magnesium, known for its positive effects on the muscles, and calcium, essential for strong bones. In addition, mineral water provides the body with important electrolytes, such as sodium, which are vital for proper cellular hydration.

Drinking mineral water also offers additional health benefits, such as relieving constipation, promoting heart health, lowering blood pressure, and improving circulation.

» Find out what is the best water to drink

3. Spring Water

Spring water comes from underground sources and naturally rises to the surface. It needs to naturally rise to the surface on its own to be considered spring water. Spring water is beneficial for the body in many ways, including:

  • Contains minerals: Spring water is naturally rich in essential minerals that are beneficial to the body. Magnesium supports healthy bones, potassium helps with nerve signaling and sodium balances fluid levels in the body. In addition, it often contains iron, which aids in the production of hemoglobin and zinc for a healthy immune system. These minerals are important for many bodily functions and can help maintain overall health
  • Balances your body’s PH levels: Spring water is naturally alkaline, which means it has a higher pH level than tap water. Drinking alkaline water can help balance the body's pH levels and neutralize excess acidity, which can lead to various health issues. Maintaining the proper pH balance is essential for healthy cell function and overall wellness.
  • Does not contain chemicals and bacteria: Unlike tap water, which may contain harmful chemicals and bacteria, spring water is pure and free of toxins, bacteria, and heavy metals. It is not treated with chemicals, making it a healthier and safer option for drinking.
  • Provides the body with oxygen: Spring water provides much-needed oxygen to the body and the brain.
  • It also aids in good digestion: Hydrating with spring water ensures the digestive system works properly. Good cellular hydration helps the body break down food for absorption and reduces the risk of constipation.

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4. Filtered Water

Reverse osmosis is a popular method used to purify tap water. It is a highly effective system that removes many contaminants, including lead, asbestos, chemicals, heavy metals, and bacteria, making RO water much safer than bottled water.

However, while reverse osmosis eliminates over 90% of impurities from water, it also eliminates essential minerals that are beneficial to your body, like calcium, potassium, and magnesium. If you are filtering your water with a reverse osmosis system or drinking RO water, it is essential to remineralize your water with the Mayu Swirl Essential Mineral Drops. Mayu's essential mineral drops, used in combination with the Mayu Swirl, result in quality water that tastes better and has added health benefits.

» Make sure your water is healthier than ever with mineral drops

Reap the Health Benefits of Pure Water

Water is crucial for maintaining optimal health and well-being. It helps regulate body temperature, aids in digestion, promotes healthy skin, and supports proper kidney function.

To ensure that your body receives the necessary hydration and minerals, it's important to drink clean, pure water and aim for at least 2 liters of water per day. By staying properly hydrated, i.e., achieving cellular hydration, you can support the optimal functioning of your body and promote overall health.

MAYU Swirl

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