What snacks help produce breast milk? - Water-Revolution Community - Mayu Water

What snacks help produce breast milk?

Asked 11 days ago

I'm breastfeeding my newborn, and I'm trying to make sure I'm producing enough milk for them. I know staying hydrated and eating well is important, and I'm looking for some quick and easy snack ideas that might help boost my milk supply. Are there any specific foods or ingredients known to be good for lactation that I should include in my snacks?

Baylee Solomon

Wednesday, February 05, 2025

I've been through the breastfeeding struggle, and let me tell you, snacks are LIFE.

Here's what I used eat:

  1. Lactation cookies are magic, and you can make 'em or buy 'em. They're packed with oats, brewers yeast, and flaxseed—all healthy for you and your LO.
  2. I made my own trail mix with almonds, cashews, and dried fruit. It was easy to eat one-handed while nursing!
  3. You can also prep some oats the night before. Add some chia seeds and fruit if you want a little extra oomph.
  4. Throw in some oats, spinach, and a banana to make a smoothie. It's easy, healthy, and delicious.
  5. One time, my husband made me a batch of these energy balls, and they were amazing. 🤤All yo have to do is mix oats, peanut butter, honey, and chocolate chips. Then, roll into balls

P.S. Keep a water bottle with you AT ALL TIMES in case you're thirsty.

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