How to Choose the Right Water Mineral Drops for Your Diet - Water Wisdom - Mayu Water Blog

How to Choose the Right Water Mineral Drops for Your Diet

Ever feel like you're running on fumes?

a woman sitting on a stool smiling at the camera
By Tracy Little
Lucia Gcingca
Edited by Lucia Gcingca

Published October 6, 2024.

A man drinking water enriched with mineral drops.

Hitting a plateau in your workouts? Fatigue, muscle cramps, and a weakened immune system could be signs you're missing essential minerals.

Mineral drops play a vital role in enhancing your diet by providing essential trace minerals that may be lacking in regular tap or filtered water. Let's dive into the best way to choose the right ones for your nutritional needs.

Who Needs Water Mineral Supplements?

Packed with essential minerals, water mineral drops help athletes reach their peak performance and feel their best. They're also ideal for pregnant women, folks on restricted diets, and anyone with high training demands or nutrient needs. Ditch the nutritional gaps and unlock your full potential.

Vitamins and Minerals in a Balanced Diet

Meeting Mineral Needs in Your Diet

Vitamins and minerals are the building blocks of good health, powering everything from your metabolism to your immune system and bones. To keep your body running smoothly, focus on eating foods packed with:

  • Calcium: Dairy products like milk, cheese, and yogurt.
  • Magnesium: Nuts like almonds, cashews, and pistachios.
  • Potassium: Leafy greens like spinach, swiss chard, and kale.
  • Sodium: Whole grains like brown rice, oats, and whole wheat.

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Mineral Absorption

Your small intestine is the champion of mineral absorption. It breaks down minerals from food and sends them to the bloodstream. These tiny travelers fuel your energy, help your muscles move, and aid recovery.

Percentage of Vitamins and Minerals in a Balanced Diet

Aim to get most of your vitamins and minerals—around 70-80%—from whole foods for long-term health and performance boosts. But everyone's different. Age, activity level, and even gender can affect your needs, so don't be afraid to adjust things based on what feels right to you.

Tip: Eating healthy fuels your body. But, a solid diet might only cover some of what you need during intense training. That's when smart supplements can step in and fill those gaps for peak performance.

A woman drinking mineral water drops.

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Vitamins and Minerals in Carnivore Diet

The carnivore diet skips plant foods, which means missing out on certain minerals like Vitamin C and fiber.

You might need extra help from supplements or mineral drops to keep your body while following it. They fill the gaps and ensure you get essential nutrients, even without plants on your plate.

How to Get More Minerals in Your Diet

We talked about using supplements to meet your nutritional needs on the carnivore diet. But guess what? Water mineral drops can do double duty. They fill those nutrient gaps and keep you hydrated.

When choosing them, look for trustworthy brands with clear information about ingredient sources. Pick drops with natural, easy-to-absorb minerals and the right mix of electrolytes for rehydration.

Consider critical factors like:

  • Taste
  • Source
  • Mineral content

Take Mayu Minerals Essential Drops, for instance. They use mineral-rich volcanic spring water, packing in just the right amounts of calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium.

Plus, their handy little bottles travel with you quickly, so you can get your mineral boost on the go, no matter if you're training or exploring.

a bottle of essential essential essential essential essential essential essential essential essential essential essential essential essential

MAYU Minerals | Essential Drops

100% natural highly concentrated drops

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1 Fl Oz / 30 mL



Mayu Minerals Essential Drops are highly concentrated, remineralizing a liter of water with only eight drops. They have a wide range of minerals, such as magnesium, sodium, and 72 other organic ionic trace minerals.

Mayu Minerals Essential Drops are ionic, which means your body can quickly absorb them. They also preserve the natural taste and odor of water.

Safe for adults and children of all ages

Remineralizes RO, distilled, and spring water

No artificial sweeteners

Easy to use

Suitable for on-the-go use

Not essential for all RO systems

No flavors

Replenish Your Body With Essential Minerals

Plain tap water doesn't always cut it. Getting enough good water, packed with essential minerals, is key to feeling your best.

Pay attention to what you eat, ensure you're getting enough nutrients, and consider a boost like Mayu Minerals Essential Drops—they're a handy way to top up, but remember, food comes first.