Can I use aerated water to balance out the sourness profile of my craft beer? - Water-Revolution Community - Mayu Water

Can I use aerated water to balance out the sourness profile of my craft beer?

Asked 2 years ago

I've been making home-brewed beer with treated water. I have the best beer hops, barley, and brewer's yeast money can buy. I even have ideal temperatures, but my beer is consistently tart and harsh. My friend suggested using a fresher water source to balance out the sourness profile of my beer. Could I use the Mayu swirl to refresh my brewing water?

Cameron-Leigh Henning

Cameron-Leigh Henning

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

The Mayu Swirl is designed to aerate the water to restore it to a more natural state of "structured water." Structured water shares the same water molecule structure with that of natural, uncontaminated glacial or spring water. It also has a slightly sweeter taste. The Mayu Swirl could be a good bet if you've exhausted all other options.

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