Which minerals are essential for enhancing the flavor of RO water? - Water-Revolution Community - Mayu Water

Which minerals are essential for enhancing the flavor of RO water?

Asked 2 years ago

I recently purchased a reverse osmosis water system, which has performed admirably in removing all impurities from the water. The water has an odd taste, which I believe is due to a lack of minerals. I'd like to try reintroducing minerals, but I'm not sure which ones are best.

Cameron-Leigh Henning

Cameron-Leigh Henning

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

While reverse osmosis is effective at removing impurities from drinking water, it does also remove the essential minerals, which results in bland-tasting water. The best option would be to use mineral drops like the Mayu Essential Blen, which contains a balance of all the essential minerals needed.

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